
鬼の鼻山に登って、死神と踊った・Climbed Devil's Nose Mountain and Danced with the Grim Reaper




「ここで待って。」"Wait here."

「違う。これから、『マイカの森』と呼ばれる!」"Wrong. This will no longer be 'Freedom Forest, but 'Micah's Forest'!"
一人分の昼ごはん。Lunch for one.


写真をクリックしたら、大きいサイズを見えるようになる。Click the photo to make it bigger.

左の山をよく見たら、ハイキングコースがあることに気づく!そっちにも登ったら、コースは結構長いコースに気づいた。そんなコースがあることを知らなかった。でも、そっちの道に登る途中で、トイレに行きたい気持ちが出て、早くトイレへ向けた。笑 トイレに入ったら、西風のトイレがあるか気にしていたけど、あったから安心した。入った後、すぐ3匹の蚊を殺した。子供の頃の記憶を思い出させられた。笑

鬼の鼻山のようなところは日本の中にはなかなか珍しいと思う。なのに、水曜日も昨日も、人が少なかった!もったいない、ってことじゃなくて、やったってことだ。笑 わがままの僕は山を僕のことにしたいのだから。静かでとても綺麗だし。

こいつは僕のパソコンを気になったと思う。I think this guy liked my computer.


でも、そんな長い山道で自転車で降りる初心者の僕は結構危ないことをした。3回くらい死神の目に見えたと思う。降りるのは速すぎて曲がることが難しくて危なくなった。小さい石に当たるが早いか、すぐ転ぶ。最も高い速度は約77キロだったので、転んだら死ねたのだろう。1回目の死神の目に見えた時に、曲がるのは速すぎて、山から落ちそうだった。(0_0) 崖の緑にあった草は僕の左ペダルにもつれた!2回目だいたい同じだったけど、ガードレールがあったので1回目のように危なくなった。しかし、自分で「速度を落とせ!」と思ったにもかかわらず、3回目、ブレーキが遅すぎて。曲がるのが無理だと思ったら、パニックをして、ガードレールに正面から当たった!レールはなかったら、森に飛び込んで、木に当たったと思う。本当に死にそうだった。

レールに当たった左腕。Where I hit the rail with my left arm.

右足。そんなにひどく見えないけど、大きなアザが出る気がする。My right leg. It doesn't look bad now, but I'm sure that I'll get a big ol' bruise later.

ブレーキレバーブラケットは曲がった。パンクの方はマシだった。The right brake lever bracket is bent. I'd rather have gotten a flat tire.

でも、まだ生きているので大丈夫だ。笑 今度、絶対にブレーキをちゃんとする。 速く動くのは楽しいけど、生き延びる方が大事だ。(^_^;)


Monday last week, my school had a school trip, so I ended up doing some mountain climbing with the students that day. It was fun. The elementary school kids talked to me and asked me a bunch of questions. There was one girl that had fun teasing me. She was funny. One of the first grade girls talked to me about food, then asked me to eat lunch with her, so I ate with her.

About the mountain: it’s named “Devil’s Nose Mountain”. Devil’s Nose has a large park, and if you walk up to the peak, you can get a nice view of Taku and other surrounding towns. On the day of the school trip, I climbed up to the peak by myself. I think I was the only one that did that. But, the moment I saw the view, I knew I’d be coming back soon.

And then on Wednesday last week, I climbed Devil’s Nose Mountain again. But, that time, instead of hiking, I went cycling!

Devil’s Nose is about 6 or 7 miles from my apartment. Even though I’ve lived in Taku for more than a year, until Monday last week, I’d never been there! What have I been doing with my life? But since the school trip, I’ve been back to Devil’s Nose twice, including yesterday.

Alright, let me show the view I had yesterday.

It was a bit cloudy yesterday, so it wasn’t as pretty as on Wednesday, but it was still nice.

If you take a look at the mountain on the left, you’ll notice that there’s a hiking trail! When I walked up there, I realized that the trail is quite long. On the way up, I had a sudden urge to go to the bathroom, so I quickly headed for the toilet. lol After I got inside, I was worried that they might not have a western-style toilet, but there was one so I could relax. After getting in the stall, I immediately killed three mosquitoes. I reminded me of a childhood memory. lol

Places like Devil’s Nose are really quite rare in Japan, I think. In spite of that, on both Wednesday and yesterday, there were very few people! Rather than complaining, though, I’m quite happy. lol I want to keep the mountain all to myself! It’s a pretty and peaceful place.

After taking pictures at the peak and going to the bathroom, I used my computer to do a bit of preparation for work and studied some Japanese. But, it started to get unexpectantly dark and cold, so I decided to go home early. (It started raining while I was on my way home.)

Of course, when you climb a mountain, you have to get back down. For cyclists, the reward for climbing is the descent. You get to go fast without doing any work. A climb that took me 20 minutes to get up took only 5 minutes to get down. lol

But, being an amateur at going down long mountain roads like that, I did some really dangerous things. I think I stared into the Grim Reaper’s eyes about three times. When descending, you go really fast, making turning difficult and dangerous. As soon as you hit some gravel, you’ll fall over real fast. Since my top speed was around 48 miles per hour, if I fell over I’d probably have died. The first time the Reaper and I made eye contact was when I was making a turn too fast and nearly fell down the side of the mountain. I got some weeds on the edge of the road tangled up in my left pedal. The second time, I did nearly the same thing, but there was a guard rail, so it wasn’t quite as dangerous as the first time. But, even though I told myself to slow down, the third time, I put on the breaks too late. I felt like turning was impossible, panicked, and hit a guard rail head on! If it hadn’t been there, I’d have flow into the forest and hit a tree. I was pretty close to dying.

After checking the condition of my body and bike, it looked like my bike and I could still move, so I immediately continued on home, but the break lever bracket on my bike hit the rail and is bent. I’m gonna try to fix it myself, but I probably have to replace it. It’ll be expensive…

But, I’m still alive, so it’s okay. lol Next time, I’ll make sure to break properly. Going fast is fun, but living is more important.

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