
引っ越した・I moved







Last month, I moved. I moved from Taku to Saga. Taku is a nice place, but there aren’t any jobs there, and my girlfriend lives in Saga, so I decided to move.

The place I moved to is smaller than my previous apartment, so I have to organize my stuff and use the space I have well. I finally got some drawers to do get that done.

But, I ended up having to pay around $600 as a result of the final inspection of my apartment. There was some black stuff on several places on the wall. There was certainly some bike oil in a few places, but there is some kind of rubber or foam on the walls, so it’s tough to clean. I think that stuff gets dirty easily. But, I had money, so I payed the money right away, so that’s done.

The apartment I live in now feels a bit small, but if I use my head, I think I can set my furniture up well. The kitchen is small, so I had a feeling that if I put the table I have in there that it would be a problem, but actually once I put it in there, it actually wasn’t so bad. lol

I want to buy a sofa sometime, but right now I’m a bit low on money, so I have to wait.

























This week, I heard the stories of two women that made me think about the importance of mothers.

One woman left her rural home and went to the city to attend the funeral of her son. Her son had recently gotten divorced. She found out shortly afterward that he had committed suicide. In a note he left behind, he wrote that he was lonely. From what I’ve heard, the members of the woman’s family are not good at communicating. The woman and her son had not been in contact with each other much.

Unfortunately, this is not the first son of hers to commit suicide. Some years before, another son was the first. It’s likely that he was quite lonely, too, as you would expect of someone that decides that death is easier than living. What goes through the mind of a woman as she weeps over the body of her son a second time?

It’s a very sad story. To me, it’s a story that teaches that communication is important. Making and nurturing relationships is important. Humans aren’t suppose to be alone. If we are alone, we die. We need to communicate honestly and openly to develop good relationships with others.

The other woman is a new mother that wants to go back to work. However, it doesn’t appear that she has fully considered the costs of doing so. There are obvious financial costs to consider, such as gasoline and kindergarten fees, but the more important cost is the loss of time, as well as the future of her child.

In the very early stages of life, everything happening around a child is shaping their future. They most likely will have the personality they have at 7 years old for the rest of their lives, so it is most important during that time for them to have a lot of contact with their parents so that they can help their child develop healthy personality traits. Their educational success or failure is heavily influenced by their parents both in early childhood (parents who read to their children can increase their success in school dramatically) and later in life (parents that talk to their children about school and what they are learning dramatically increase their success in school). There are certain genes that can be activated by the environment their parents create (this is part of epigenetics) which can determine whether their children are criminals or not, or if they are sexually promiscuous or not.

To children, their mother is the most important person in the world for a long time, especially during early childhood. Of course, their father is very important, too, but they don’t directly recognize his influence on them until later in life. In the beginning, their mother gives them everything.

But then, many mothers drop their children off at a day-care or kindergarten for 8 or 9 hours a day. Imagine you’re a child. The most important person, at the most important time in your life, puts you in the care of complete strangers for hours and hours almost every day. How does that effect your life now and in the future?

And what does the mother gain? More money? Exactly how much more? Is she going to have a career, or just a job? Is she working to make more money to give her child things, or to buy things for herself? If for the child, which does the child want more: time with the most important person in their life, or more goddamn toys?

The question is: Why does a woman have a child if she doesn’t want to be a mother?

Let me tell you one of the main reasons the “strong working mother” myth was pushed on us: because feminists believed that they were in a power-struggle against men, and that for women to have more power, they needed to have money. If they aren’t dependent on men for money, then they can’t be dominated by them.

In essence, maintaining a career for a woman is an insurance policy: if the marriage doesn’t work out, she isn’t helpless.

Question: Is it a good idea to get married to someone with whom things “might not work out”? Women are preparing for the chance of divorce. Is it a good idea to go into an important relationship with the idea that “it might not work”?

Here’s an idea: How about getting married to the right person? You know, by talking and getting to know them first, and learning whether you two have similar plans in life for the future? How about thinking and acting consciously, rather than by momentum? How about getting married because you want to, not because you’re afraid of being alone? How about getting married to someone you love, rather than someone that’s convenient?

You don’t need a career, like feminists say you do. You need good relationships.

In the past, I struggled to recognize the influence my mom had on my personal development. That’s strange since, as I said before, she was the most important person in my life for a long time. Some important things about my character that I value most, like my ability to think for myself, I attribute to my dad. But, when I heard those two stories, I realized that my mom gave me something incredibly important: her time and her love. She gave me a comfortable home, good food, and protection. Before my dad taught me how to be a man, my mom taught me how to be a good person. She taught me how to read and how to cook scrambled eggs. She let me be who I wanted to be, even if I hurt her some times. She gave me an example of a good mother. Her honest relationship with my father was an example of a successful marriage with ups and downs, trust and forgiveness. She set the standards I have for good women.

My mom didn’t approach her motherhood as a hobby or part-time job. It was a full-time career that she devoted herself to. She committed wholeheartedly to her task. I am the result of her conscious, deliberate effort to make me into a good, healthy person. She didn’t pass the responsibility of making me into a good person on others.

When I look back on my life, although there were times when I felt lonely, I was never alone. Sometimes I didn’t have friends or companions, but I always had my mom. She wasn’t out in the fields or at the office, she was with me.

At home, she wasn’t sitting around “doing nothing”, she was developing her skill set as a mother. She was learning new recipes. She was developing a sense of interior decoration. She was experimenting with new cleaning methods and devices. She was observing my behavior and recognizing early when there was a problem. She was actively working to know the people in her life, rather than just letting them pass through her life as near complete strangers. She was keeping her home clean, no small task for someone with children and grandchildren constantly making messes everywhere. She was inviting guests into her home and spreading her love and generosity to others.

Her home wasn’t a cage and her children weren’t weights around her ankles holding her back from achieving some higher goal. Her home was her garden, the place where she developed her character through planning and experimentation, and where she passed the fruits of her labor on to the future through her children.

If your idea of motherhood is staying at home “doing nothing”, then either your mom was a bad example or you don’t appreciate what your mom did for you. Now would be a good time to reflect on your life and consider which is true.


反省・Looking back










Last year was a good year for me. I was feeling a bit lonely and depressed for a bit, but I decided to try some new stuff and develop some relationships. Early in the year, I decided it was important to get out of my apartment (rather than stay home and save money on food, transportation, etc.), so I started going to Mister Donut and studying Japanese.

Then I decided to try getting a new hobby/skill, so I took electric guitar lessons for a few months. That didn’t last long, though. One reason is that I kind of lost interest. I also decided to develop some relationships after getting some inspiration from Dan Pena. He says that you are the average of the handful of people that you spend time with. He also says that instead of just not associating with people that don’t help you reach your goals, you should also take the initiative to associate with people that will help you reach your goals. So, I picked some people that I thought would help me become a better person and did the work to develop relationships with them. One of those people is the great lady who became my girlfriend.

I also lost some weight and started traveling a bit. Traveling with someone you love makes the experience more worthwhile. I didn’t have much interest in traveling before, but after I started sharing my life with other people, I started to understand the benefits of getting out and seeing the world around me.

At work, I feel much more comfortable than last year. I started doing English Radio broadcasts at one school. One student I supported got second place in a speech contest and went to Tokyo.

I also made some baby steps toward getting into professional photography. I was the cameraman at my electric guitar teacher’s anniversary performance in a local bar. I didn’t make any money for that job, but I learned that both I and my photography equipment are capable of getting demanding jobs like that done. It gave me the confidence boost I needed.

Throughout the year I’ve kept up to date with the news, as I usually do. I did what little I could to support Donald Trump. I took a lot of time to learn and keep informed about the world around me. Unfortunately, a sister of mine didn’t like my views, so our relationship deteriorated quite a bit.

I ended the year by helping my girlfriend clean her family’s home, eating dinner with her mom for the first time, and then finally cleaning up my apartment, getting rid of a bunch of cardboard boxes that I had piled in an extra room I have. It was a great relief to have someone to help me.

All in all, it was a good year.


将来の僕へのリマインダー・A Reminder to My Future Self



マイカ先生は、とても熱心に指導してくださいました。単語一つ一つの小さな間違いと、口の形や下の動かし方など細かく丁寧に教えてくださり、とても分かりやすかったです。 僕が文章を読んだ後に、必ず「Good!」と言ってもらえて嬉しかったです。そのほかにも、僕のスピーチを録音して、マイカ先生が何回も聞いて、どこが悪いのかチェックしてくれたり、いろんなパターンに分けて、お手本を録音し、CDをくれたり、パソコンを使って小さな間違いを教えてくれたりしましたね。ここまでする先生は、日本にもいませんよ。僕が今までに出会った、たくさんの先生の中で、一番熱心な先生でした。マイカ先生は、日本人よりも真面目で一生懸命で、優しいと思います。





カードを読んだ後、少し涙が出て、彼とハグした。彼はなんか恥ずかしかったけど、自分の感情をちゃんと意識していないもんだ。笑 彼に、一緒に東京に行けなくて、すまんなって言った。東京に行くのがすごいイベントだし、彼を応援しなくては行けないと思ったので、一緒に東京に行かない決断するのが難しかった。行かないことで、がっかりしたんだろう。しかし、僕のカードは彼の力になって嬉しかった。













Well, the school semester ended last week, so I’ve been enjoying winter vacation. It’s during this couple of weeks off that I need to remind myself to keep working hard, not to let my lazy side take over. So, this is a reminder to my future self.

Last week, while I was working on my computer during recess, a student came and said he wanted to talk to me. He’s the one that went to Tokyo for the speech contest. When we went outside, he gave me a card, saying, “Sorry for giving this to you late.” I opened the envelope and found both a Japanese and English version of the card. Let me post it exactly as it is below:

Dear Mr. Micah,
How are you? I'm fine.

For 3 months, thank you very much for your English guidance. The time I spent with you to practice is now my treasure.

You taught me English very eagerly. You taught me how to move my lips and tongue clearly in small steps and it was very easy to understand. After I read my speech draft, you always said "Good!" And it made me happy. You also recorded my voice making a speech and listened again and again to improve my pronunciation. you gave me a CD that you recorded your voice reading my speech draft in various patterns.

You know, Japanese people said to be hardworking. But I think there is no hardworking teacher like you in Japan. You are the most industrious and kind teacher I've ever met. You're a monster, too.

And on the prefectural tournament day, I was very nervous. You talked to me gently, so I could relax a little. While I was making a speech on the stage, I could find your smile in the audience. And it helped me a lot. I could be the 2nd place in Saga prefecture thanks to you and Ms. OO. I'm really appreciate.
Then you also spent your time after school for me until a national tournament. I think my pronunciation could be improved because of your great help. I was sad to hear "Mr. Micah won't go to Tokyo." from Ms. OO. I wanted to go to Tokyo with you.
As you said, the national tournament was full of monsters. I was surprised because everyone was really good at English. And I couldn't pass the preliminary contest. I'm sorry that I wasn't able to win a prize. But it became the greatest experience in my life. Thank you very much.

When I was practicing with you, I have noticed one thing. You act funny for the students who try to play with you. When you teach English, you becomes serious. I thought you're very cool.

You will go to other junior high schools next semester. I'me very sad. I'll keep studying English hard from now on. And I'd like to be the person who can work around the world using English in the future.

Mr. Micah, thank you very much! I'm looking forward to seeing you again!!

I got a bit teary-eyed and gave him a hug after I read it. He seemed a little embarrassed, but that’s just because he’s not in touch with his feelings. lol I told him I was sorry that I couldn’t come to Tokyo with him. It was a hard decision for me to make because I knew that going to Tokyo for the contest was a really big deal, and I felt like I needed to be there to support him. By not going, I felt like I let him down. But, I’m glad that my card could be a source of strength for him.

I was really surprised when I heard him say that I’m the hardest working teacher he’s ever seen. I always feel lazy at school because I feel like I don’t have much to do, but the teachers around me are always busy preparing for classes and doing club activities.

The truth is that I’m not really such a hard worker. I’ve been lazy all my life, in spite of my parents’ efforts to push me to be better. I rarely feel like I’m busy while at school. My biggest weakness is my lack of a strong work ethic. Well, that’s not entirely true. Under certain conditions, I work very hard. One thing I’ve noticed about myself is that I work hard when I work for other people. When I work for myself, I don’t work hard at all. I don’t clean my apartment if I’m the only one that’s going to see and live in it.

But, when I’m working for someone else, I’ll go above and beyond the call of duty for them. And when I notice that my work is appreciated, then I’ll pour all my effort into supporting them. That can give others the impression that I’m a hard working guy, but really, I’m weak and lazy.

That’s why I need to remind myself not only what work I need to do, but who I’m doing it for. This is a reminder to myself of who I want to be and who I want to be strong for.

My long term goal is to have a career that allows me the flexibility of working in Japan or the US (or both). For now, becoming a photographer or making Youtube videos seems like two possible paths towards that goal. I’ve already made some baby-steps in both directions, but they’ve been half-hearted so far.

Why do I want a job that would let me have one foot in Japan and the other in the US? Because I want not only for my parents to be able to see me and my family, but I also for my future wife and children to be able to see their family as well. I also know that being flexible will strengthen my position in the world economy in the future. That will allow me to protect and nurture my family.

Beyond that, I want to help others be able to do the same for themselves and their own families. As an English teacher, without me realizing it, some people have come to see me as some cool, hard-working person. There are certain expectations that others have of me. If I can somehow live up to those expectations, maybe I can help them be strong, too.

In the past, I’ve always shrugged off other’s expectations, but perhaps I was ignoring a great source of strength? Throughout my life, I’ve daydreamed stories of myself as a hero in various forms. But, without realizing it, some people have already seen in me someone different than the person I see in the mirror every day. They see Micah-sensei. When I put on my work clothes in the morning, it’s like I’m putting on my Micah-sensei super-suit. But, when I get home, I turn back into lazy Micah.

I’d like to become Micah-sensei. I’d like to become Micah-sensei so that I can help the weak become strong. I want to raise a strong, smart family and strong, smart students around me. I want to live up to the expectations that students have of me.

In the future, others might expect me to be a super-hero photographer or Youtuber. I hope to live up to those expectations, if ever someone makes them of me.

This is a reminder to myself of who I want to be and who I want to be strong for.

アメリカと日本の贈り物文化・American vs. Japanese gift giving culture








A long, long time ago, I sent a package from the US to a friend in Japan with some gifts in it. In return, my friend sent me a package.

The interesting thing that happened then was that I sent a few big things, while my friend sent a lot of little things. I wrote about it at the time because I thought it was an interesting difference between Japanese and American culture.

Well, that difference came up again this year. A month ago, I gave my girlfriend a card and five gifts for her birthday. I gave her some small cat magnets, a cat mug, cat socks, a cat pillow, and a cat blanket. She likes cats.

The mug and blanket were the best because they are useful things she can use everyday. I really prefer practical gifts over decorative gifts. I had gone shopping with my girlfriend and noticed that she really, really liked to touch soft clothes, blankets, etc. so I knew I had to get something soft for her. That blanket seems to hit the spot.

In any case, a month later, I celebrated my birthday with my girlfriend on the 14th. In contrast to my gifts to her, she gave me a card and then three boxes of many small items. Gloves, a neck warmer, slippers, a big kitchen spoon, etc. She also put small cards with little messages on each of the boxes.

Just an interesting difference between American and Japanese gift giving.