
家族の時間と批判的思考法・Family time and critical thinking







正直に言えば、僕は子供っぽく行動したり、「もういい」ということで相談を止める日本人の女性から離れたことがたくさんある。大事な会話を止めさせる人を許さない。僕の家族の中に、母は父の変な議論にイライラになったことが多かった。そんな場合、母は「はい、わかった」と言って、父は「なぜイライラしているの?」と聞いた。笑 僕もイライラしたことが多かったけど、「もういい」や「はい、わかった」ということがなかった。父が馬鹿じゃないかと父に言ったことがあったけど、議論を止めさせてみなかった。



Do you watch TV with your family and dinner time? I recently have heard the story of a British man who is married to a Japanese woman. They live with her mother and father in Tokyo. At night, his wife and her family enjoy watching TV together. However, the British man doesn’t. He says that Japanese TV is very boring (I agree), and that when he eats dinner with them, he wants to talk, not watch TV.

Strangely, his wife’s family considers time watching TV and commenting on the celebrities to be important family time. One night, while they were watching TV, the man tried to use his smartphone to look at things he was interested in, but his wife’s parents asked him to put his smartphone away! When I read that, I couldn’t help but laugh.

In my family, my dad said, “No TV at dinner time.” He felt it was very important for our family to sit and spend time talking with each other. I wholeheartedly agree. I believe strongly that it is important for family members to get to know each other, and the only way to do that is to talk. Talking about school, work, politics, hobbies, etc. helps parents stay up to date with the way their children are growing and gives them a chance to guide them. For a father, it is especially important to have that time because he spends a considerable amount of time away from his children. If a father is not careful, his children will change and he won’t know how they are changing.

It’s interesting how technology has changed, but parental challenges have not significantly changed. When I was a kid, my dad turned off the TV at dinner time. These days, I think responsible parents would turn off their smartphones, too. Unfortunately, many parents don’t really understand the significance of quality time spent talking with their family, whether in America or Japan. At dinner time, the British man’s wife’s family often looks at his baby daughter and says, “Look, she’s watching the TV, isn’t that cute!” They think it’s cute, but he is terrified by that.

Another story he told was about an argument he had with his wife about a “Japanese culture” thing. I can’t remember the details, but his wife wants to go to a shrine to have a priest bless her because she is at a “bad” age. When the British guy asked her why it’s a bad age, she said, “Because that’s what they say.” He said he didn’t think she needed to be blessed, but she insisted that it was “Japanese culture” and that she needed to do it. When he tried to reason with her, asking her questions to understand more about the reasons and why it was so important, she just said, “Enough,” or, “It’s just Japanese culture, you wouldn’t understand,” and didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

Another downside of not talking at the dinner table is that children don’t get to learn how to think critically from their parents. I often argued with my parents about religious and political things at the dinner table and other times. My dad often forced me to think critically by asking simple questions. Those arguments were, I believe, a critical part of my intellectual development as a teenager and even into my college years.

Because the British man’s wife had no such experience either at home or at school, when she is forced into a situation where she needs to critically examine and explain her behavior or values, she is unable to. The brain is a muscle, and the critical thinking part of her brain is atrophied.

Honestly, I have distanced myself from many Japanese women that I thought were childish like that or said things like “Enough” in order to end discussions about various things. I simple can’t tolerate people that try to shut down important conversations. In my family, my mom often got frustrated with my dad because he would make strange arguments and wouldn’t admit they were strange. In those situations she would say, “Fine,” to which my dad would ask, “Why are you so frustrated?” lol I often got frustrated with my dad, but neither he nor I ever said, “Fine,” or “Enough”. I sometimes said that he was being ridiculous or even stupid, but I always continued the argument.

I have a feeling the British guy is going to have some difficult discussions with his wife in the future. He doesn’t want to raise his daughter the way that his wife was raised, so he is going to need to be careful about asserting himself in the future. He said he was happy, so I hope him continued happiness as he faces life's challenges together with his family.

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