
クモに笑わせられたことがある? ・ Has a spider ever made you laugh before?

侵入者 ・ The intruder



One evening near the beginning of summer, while I was using my laptop in bed, I noticed something on the wall opposite me. I took out my smartphone and shined a light on it. My first reaction? *Sigh* "Another one?"

Yes, another spider. Before seeing this spider, I had evicted another one from my apartment after it spent several days sniffing my dirty underpants or whatever it is spiders do when there isn't any food for them to eat. But, when I first shined the spotlight on the intruder, I waited. If it moved away from my bed, then I would let it go sniff my underpants. Honestly, I don't care if there is a spider living with me. I had a spider living in my bathroom in Kobe for months. It made a web in the bottom corner of room near the floor. Every day I would stare at the spider's collection of fruit fly corpses under its web while I made dirty noises in the toilet. Sometimes I would leave without flushing the toilet just to attract more flies for it to eat. Seriously, it was awesome.

Unfortunately, this more recent spider wasn't satisfied living in the bathroom, eating turd-gobbling flies for the rest of its life. It wanted to hang out with me in bed, which I found particularly not awesome, and quite frankly, disrespectful.

あの白い点は目から光の反射だ。・ That white dot is the reflection of the flash off its eyes.







ああ、何か言い忘れた。部屋の中に電気がないので、携帯の懐中電灯しかなかった。 夜だった。真っ黒だった。クモはモップを攻撃して、どこかに落ちたけど、窓のどこか、ベッドのどこかに落ちたのか分からなかった。ベッドは床に置いてあった敷布団の上に置いてあったトッパーだけだ。クモが逃げて隠すところが多かった。そして、この僕は巨人であって、巨人の武器を握って、巨人の技術で足が多い小さいものを必死に探していた。

しかし、見つけられなかった。ベッドの上に落ちなかっただろうなと思って、窓のあたりに探した。そして、スクリーンの上に、とても怖がっている姿勢で自分の体を隠しようとしていたクモを見つけた。 僕は早く窓を閉じて、クモをスクリーンと窓の間に捕まえた。その時、最初の写真を撮った。



After spending about 10 or 15 minutes posting a picture of it to Facebook and blasting it with the disco light setting on my phone, it started to make it's move. It took a few steps in my bed's direction, then stopped.

Then it started to dance.

I don't know if it was inspired by the flashing lights or what, but it started to move toward my bed like a praying mantis. It was like he was thinking, "He can't see me if I walk like this," all while rocking back and forth on a bright white wall with a flashlight on him. It was the silliest thing I'd ever seen a spider do. I chuckled a bit, then decided it was time to get boogy-spider out of my apartment.

So, I got up and got a broom. Actually, it's one of those sweeper thingies with a large, flat, rectangular end that you attach a wet cloth to. My window was open, screen door closed.

I used the sweeper to wrangle it closer to the window. Of course, it was afraid and bolted towards the window. Once there, I moved the sweeper closer to get it to move toward the opening in the window.

Instead, it jumped at the sweeper! It went *thunk* on the sweeper and fell down awkwardly. I remember the sound it made so clearly. Every hair in my body stood up as if to say, "What. The hell. Was that?!" The little badass was ready to fight a giant!

Right, I forgot to mention something. My room doesn't have any lights in it. The only way I could see anything was with my phone's flashlight. It's nighttime. It's pitch black except for the flashlight. The spider has attacked my sweeper and fallen somewhere, either somewhere on the window or on to my bed. My bed is a thin mattress-topper on top of a futon laying on the floor. There are so many places for it to hide down there. And there I was, a giant wielding a giant weapon using giant technology to search for a tiny thing with legs that might be hiding near my pillow.

But, I couldn't find it. I started thinking it hadn't fallen onto my bed after all, so I looked around the window and found it crouching on the screen door in a spider's version of the fetal position. I shut the window and trapped between the screen and the window. That's when I took the picture you saw at the beginning.

I left boogy-spider there between the screen and the window and the next morning, it was gone. It left the same way it came: through a small opening between the frames of the window and the screen.

Since then, I've been using the air conditioner.

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