
今からの挑戦 ・ Challenges from here on out






Before coming to Japan, I was really excited, but after I got here, for some reason that feeling of excitement went away. If I ask why, I'd probably say it's because although I worked hard on lots of different things in order to study abroad in Japan for a year, after I made that dream come true, I needed to think of the next challenge in my life. Before discovering the next challenge, I just felt kind of lazy. On top of that, my classes in school weren't very interesting, so rather than feeling a desire to study, I actually felt a great desire to not study. So, I felt "lost".

But, of course, on this, my final quarter of college, before graduating, I need to look for a job. Even if you say that that's a challenge, it's not really an interesting challenge. I wasn't looking for just a "challenge", I was looking for a new dream. "But isn't being an English teacher your dream, Micah?", you ask. That's true, it is my dream. But, after I came to Japan, I've had a lot of time alone to think, and in the end, I realized that I won't work as an English teacher for the rest of my life. Hmm, that's not quite right. It's more accurate to say that I want to do more than just teach English all my life. The truth is, I don't think I want to have a "real job". Deep down, the thing I want most is freedom. To me, following someone else's will doesn't feel right. When I become free, I feel that the "real" Micah will finally be born.

There's a lot of stuff I'm going to do going forward. I'm going to successfully find a job teaching English here in Japan. While doing that, I'm going to get serious about continuing to increase my abilities in photography, videography, English teaching, and Japanese. On top of that, I'm going to research stuff related to Japan, and teach others what I discover through photography, videography, and writing.

The real challenge starts now. The real Micah's time has come.

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