
一番恥ずかしい時・My most embarrassing moments



そして、冒険に出かけて、17時間で家からサンフランシスコまで運転した。ホームレスの男性は少しお金と引き換えに、僕の行き先までの案内してくれた。残念ながら、案内は全く違った。笑 さっきにわかったけど、案内してくれたので、お金をあげた。彼は僕のクラッカーも求めたけど、それら僕のものだと言った。笑 その夜、ホステルに泊まった。

翌日、その女性と彼女と一緒にいた人たちに会った。彼らを車であちこち連れて行って、いい時間を過ごした。その夕方に、彼らのホテル室に入って、少し飲んだ。実は、その女性と友達は飲み物を買いに行った。どんな飲み物が欲しいと聞いてくれた。僕は酒が好きじゃないので、牛乳をお願いします!って言っちゃった。笑 それは恥ずかしいところではないけど。牛乳が大好きなことが恥ずかしくないもん!笑





そう、逃げたんだ。僕は僕の目にじっと見ていた女性に「オーケー、おやすみね!」って言って、後ろを見ないで、パジャマとサンダルを着ているかっこで50メートルをできるだけ早く走った。その時、それはどんなに変なのか、気づかなかった。彼女は僕にはっきりと全然曖昧ではない合図を送っていたけど、さっぱりわからなかった。彼女は目は「キスして」と言ってたけど、僕は降っている白人のウサイン・ボルトのように逃げ出した。笑 何年後にその出来事を思い出したら、僕はとんでもないバカだったって気づいた。しかし、24歳の童貞だったので、驚くには当たらないな。その日まで、女性と手を繋いだことがなかったし。















Yesterday, I was reminded of one of my most embarrassing experiences. Since embarrassing experiences make for good reading, I thought I’d let the whole internet know how stupid I am. lol

Several years ago, I did something quite unusual for me at the time: I drove a car by myself to California to meet a girl. I’d never done anything even remotely like that before. I was just a stupid nerd, playing games, watching anime, reading books, etc. Everything I wanted was inside, in my room. I never went out and didn’t have any friends.

Then I went on a crazy adventure, driving 17 hours from my home to San Francisco. Some homeless guy offered me directions to my destination in exchange for some change I had. Unfortunately, his directions were completely wrong. lol I knew the were wrong, but I gave him the change anyway since he tried. He wanted my crackers, too, but I told him that they were for me. lol I stayed at hostel that night.

The next day, I met the girl and some other people she was with. I drove them around and had a good time with them that day. That evening, I went into their hotel room to talk and have some drinks. Actually, the girl and her friend went out together to get drinks. They asked me what I wanted to drink. Since I don’t really like alcohol, I asked for something else instead: milk. That’s not the embarrassing part, though. I’m not ashamed to say that I love milk. lol

After we spent some time talking, the girl escorted me back to my hostel about 10 minutes away. I said good night, then went to my room and went to sleep.

Then, a short time later, someone knocked at the door to my room. It was the girl. She said she forgot how to get back to her hotel. It was night time, and San Francisco can be a bit scary at night, so I took her by the hand and escorted her back to her hotel.

When we got to the entrance, she turned around, got close, and gently rubbed her face in my chest and then looked innocently into my eyes. As I held her in my arms, it never occurred to me that she probably didn’t need my help to get back to her hotel. It was for that moment of embrace that she came back.

And then I ran.

That’s right, I ran. I said, “Okay, good night!” to the girl looking deep into my eyes and literally ran as fast as I could in my pajamas and sandals for half a block, never looking back. At the time, it never even occurred to me how ridiculous that was. She was sending me clear, unambiguous signals of interest that I completely missed. Her look said, “Kiss me,” but instead I got out of there like a fat, white Usain Bolt. lol It’s only years later that I thought back to that day and realized how stupid I was. But, I was a 24 year-old virgin, so what do you expect? I’d never even held a girl’s hands until that day.

If you haven’t closed the browser window in utter embarrassment, then you’re probably wondering, “What happened yesterday that reminded you of that experience?”

Oh dear, you just had to ask, didn’t you? It will be my masochistic pleasure to answer your question. Hold on to your butts because this one’s a doozie.

Yesterday, I went on a date. It was my second date with that girl. We went out on Saturday, so it wasn’t even a week before we met each other again. She is a professional photographer, so I wanted to go out and take pictures with her on our second date. She picked me up in her car and then we went to a shrine and then up a small mountain in the area I live in.

We walked around, took some pictures, and then chatted at the top of the mountain, looking down at the town I live in. The weather wasn’t very good, so the view wasn’t very impressive. However, since it was so cloudy, I was able to safely stay up there for an hour or so to chat with her. No need to worry about getting sunburnt.

Unfortunately, it was a little hard to relax and chat because there were so many bugs at the top! There were swarms of tiny flies that where getting stuck on my sweaty arms and landing on my white shirt. It was crazy. The girl was sitting right across from me, but none of the bugs were landing on her. I, on the other hand, had to constantly swat them away.

After about an hour or two on the mountain, we went to a local restaurant and had dinner. We continued chatting long after both of us were done eating. But we were both getting sleepy, and it was getting late, so she took me back to my apartment.

Things had gone well all day. We talk every day online, sometimes for hours a night. All indications are that she likes me.

When she stopped in front of my apartment, I said thank you, opened the door, and then she said, “Wait!” I turned around and looked at her, then she said, “Ah, uh, just, uh…” She was on her phone, searching for directions back to her place. I asked her, “You alright?” and she said, “Yeah, I’m just looking for directions.” Again, I started to get out of the car, but again she said, “Wait!” She wasn’t done.

So, I waited. A few moments later, she said, “Okay, I got it.” This time, I said, “Okay, thanks. It was fun.” She said, “Yeah, I had fun.” Then I said the common Japanese expression that is usually said to coworkers after a long day at work, to which she replied, “What?” In a flash, I bowed, got out of the car, turned around, said goodbye, then turned around and went inside. I don’t remember if she even had a chance to look up from her phone before I went inside. lol

Again, I ran away.

This time, however, I realized immediately after shutting the door that I’d made a mistake. I sat in my chair for about 30 or 40 minutes thinking, “What the hell is wrong with me?” Looking back on the whole day, I realized that I was thinking way to much. For various reasons, I avoided being too aggressive. That led me to repeat the same mistake in Taku that I made in San Francisco years ago.

To be fair to myself, this girl is different from the one from before. Unlike Ms. San Francisco, Ms. Saga doesn’t send out such clear signals. She is putting up a wall, in fact. She’s sending me mixed signals, which is something that I have no experience dealing with, so at the decisive moment, I had nothing to guide me in the right direction.

But, this time, I have a chance to correct my mistake. Time to take a risk!

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