
イングリッシュ・サマー・フェスタ ・ English Summer Festa









正直に言えば、一番誇りがあることは昼ごはんだ。笑 僕はメインコースやデザートを含めて、いろいろな食べ物を提案した。僕のメインコースが受け入られて、僕の班はそれを料理した。スラッピー・ジョーズだった!料理していた時、自分でスラッピー・ジョーズを作ったことがなかったし、日本人の先生は日本語に翻訳した時、レシピを編集したので、僕はちょっとパニックをした。重要で危険な編集は砂糖の量だった。最初の会議で、僕は砂糖がいらないって言ったのに(ケチャップに砂糖が入ってあることを知っていたし、日本人は甘すぎる食べ物が好きじゃないことも知っていたし)、編集されたレシピは砂糖がいっぱいあった!キチンの中に砂糖の袋が待っていた!それに、レシピは「1袋砂糖」って書いてあった!材料を混ぜる時に、学生に「半分だけ入れて」と言った。完成したものは僕の好みより甘かったけど、みんな美味しく食べていたようだった。砂糖を全部入れたら、まるでビーフとケチャップのジャムのようだっただろうな!笑


On Monday, I was the MC at an event held in the town I live in. It’s hard to believe that a year has already passed since the last time I was part of the event. The event was called the English Summer Festa. The Festa was for elementary and junior high school students. At the Festa, I and five other ALTs played several games with the students. We cooked lunch together, too.

In the past, I’ve written about how I am a bit of a lone wolf. When I’ve had opportunities to take leadership positions, I’ve taken them, but I don’t think I really did a good job as a leader. When I was the group leader for a summer vacation camp group in Kobe, unlike other group leaders, I didn’t gather my group together and lead them on any kind of adventure during some free time we had.

I remember at the time that some girls seemed disappointed in my lack of leadership. I took pictures and enjoyed hanging out at the beach at night, starring into the night sky. I like my freedom, and wanted to give my group their freedom.

So, I was a bit uncomfortable taking the MC position this year for the Summer Festa. However, it was my turn and I didn’t feel good about pushing the responsibility onto someone else. On the one hand, from experience I knew that doing things that I am not really interested in doing usually has a bad outcome. On the other hand, I knew I had to face the challenge, whether I considered myself a good leader or not.

Before the event, I and some people from my company met with the schools participating in the event to decide on the activities and lunch menu. Before the first meeting, I and another ALT proposed some game ideas to our company, and then we later presented our ideas to the schools at the meeting.

However, after the first meeting, I was still not able to clearly visualize most of the activities that were proposed. The activity I proposed was easy for me to visualize because I had experimented with it once before, but three other activities were not so clear to me. Even after reading the description of the activities, I was still unclear. As Monday approached, I got increasingly nervous because it was going to be my job to explain the activities to the other ALTs and the students during the Festa.

Fortunately, we had a second meeting on Friday last week, and I also met with another ALT in the morning before the Festa to talk about it. The Friday meeting made the events much more clear to me, and the meeting with the ALT helped me feel a bit more at ease, but I was still nervous. I was especially nervous about the game I proposed because it was the first game, so it would set the pace and atmosphere for the rest of the event.

The good news is that everything went well. When it was game time and I had to take center stage in front of everybody, I focused single-mindedly on my job. I was fortunate to have some good support from other ALTs. The senior teacher from one of the schools said that this years Festa went better than last year, so the effort that I and others put in paid off.

Honestly, the thing I’m most proud of is lunch. lol I proposed several different dishes, including main courses and desserts. One of my main dish proposals was the one chosen, and my team cooked it: sloppy joes! I panicked a bit while cooking it because I had never actually made home-made sloppy joes before, and the Japanese teachers modified the recipe a bit. One important, and dangerous modification, that they made was to the sugar. I told them in the first meeting that the sloppy joes didn’t need any sugar (I knew that the ketchup would have sugar, and that Japanese don’t like food to be sweet like Americans do). However, when I got into the kitchen, I found a bag of brown sugar waiting for me! Not only that, but they had a recipe sheet in Japanese using the whole bag! When it was time to mix the ingredients, I told the students only to put half the sugar in. The end result was sweeter than I would have liked it, but everybody seemed to enjoy it. If we had put in all the sugar, it would have been like eating a beef and ketchup jam on bread. lol

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