
対立から逃げるな!・Stop running away from conflict!
















Over the past couple of years, I’ve started to appreciate the value of a good argument. I’m naturally an argumentative person. When I was a teenager, I spent countless hours arguing with people on internet forums. I’d argue mostly about politics.

However, I eventually had less time to argue over the internet, and during that vacation from online forums, I developed an even more anti-social attitude. I looked back at the time I had spent arguing with people and felt that it had been a waste of time. In a sense, I unconsciously acknowledged that my goal in an argument was to win—to prove the other guy wrong; however, even if I “won” the argument, there wasn’t any clear benefit to me other than the arrogant feeling that I had won. People that thought like me would almost never acknowledge that they were wrong and I was right. Of course, I never acknowledged when others were right, and would even deny they were right, always searching for some information, some statistic or “fact” that I could somehow use as a weapon in the fight for intellectual dominance over my opponents. Since I and others never acknowledged we were wrong, and since the whole reason we argued was to “win”, I began to feel that arguing with people over the internet was a complete waste of time. From that point on, I made a complete 180 and avoid arguing with people on the internet.

That was actually probably the best thing for me to do at the time, since I didn’t understand the true value of an argument. I was too immature and stupid to benefit from any online argument.

However, I still often argued with my father about politics, religion, things like that. Even in those arguments I felt a great desire to win and often felt that my dad refused to acknowledge when he lost. In spite of that, I enjoyed the arguments. In fact, I learned a lot from those arguments.

Within the last few years, probably starting in college when I was forced to listen to people I disagreed with, I began to appreciate the value of a good argument. I still often avoided long arguments with people I knew I disagreed with, but I did occasionally give it a go. Slowly, I began to develop a more mature, sophisticated view of arguments. I was less concerned about winning and more concerned about enjoying hearing different points of view, even if I thought they were dead wrong. I began to enjoy the argument for the sake of the argument itself.

When I started to enjoy the arguments simply to hear other’s points of view, I found that I learned more from them, just as I did when I argued with my dad. Of course, sometimes I felt that I was “right” and tried to convince others of my point of view, even if they often wouldn’t acknowledge that I was right. However, I started to develop the ability to gracefully accept when I was wrong—a critical part of learning. As I have grown older, I have realized that I don’t always have all the facts, that I don’t always know the truth about something. Other people have something valuable to give me—their knowledge, experience, and ways of thinking—that I can’t easily get without arguing with them. I once heard Walter Block, an American economist, quote John Stuart Mill. Mill said,
Were an opinion a personal possession of no value except to the owner; if to be obstructed in the enjoyment of it were simply a private injury, it would make some difference whether the injury was inflicted only on a few persons or on many. But the peculiar evil of silencing the expression of an opinion is, that it is robbing the human race; posterity as well as the existing generation; those who dissent from the opinion, still more than those who hold it. If the opinion is right, they are deprived of the opportunity of exchanging error for truth: if wrong, they lose, what is almost as great a benefit, the clearer perception and livelier impression of truth, produced by its collision with error.
With that in mind, I approached arguments with my classmates with the intention to learn, not to win, so I was happy to acknowledge when someone else was right. I began to value truth over victory.

Although I looked forward to arguing with my dad or with classmates, I still often avoided arguments with people I didn’t know well or didn’t like. Only last year, I had an American classmate studying with me in Kobe whom I tried to avoid being with for a long time. In the beginning, he always seemed to have a contrary opinion to me, so I felt that he was just argumentative and irritating. But, as I got to know him more, I realized that he was similar to my dad. He even admitted that he often disagreed simply because he thought conversations in which everybody agreed were boring. He purposefully started arguments just for the fun of it! But, because he often spontaneously took a position he had not thought out well, he rarely stubbornly defended a position that was clearly wrong. He threw away opinions as quickly and easily as he adopted them. He gave strong, passionate defenses of opinions only when he seemed to have thought about them before.

At the same time I was in Kobe arguing with him, I was spending a lot of time listening to American comedians perform, talk on podcasts or on the radio, etc. and developed a greater appreciation for people that would arrogantly defend their positions and even make fun of other people and their ideas. Although I am naturally arrogant, I always felt like I needed to control that part of my personality in order to avoid conflicts with other people. However, comedians often argued with each other in very arrogant, confrontational ways, yet they also were quick to admit when they were wrong. Comedians I listened to often convinced each other of their arguments by making funny analogies that supported their position. Again, I saw how they enjoyed the argument for the sake of the argument—or more precisely, for the sake of comedy. They were all very confrontational, almost never polite (unless being polite was funny), yet seemed to have fun and learn from each other. I began to feel that being arrogant, like those comedians or like my dad, wasn’t necessarily a bad thing.

But, like I said before, I still tended to avoid arguments. That is, until recently. You see, if an argument is valuable as a means to learn more and as a chance to challenge my own opinions, and if I really want to learn more about specific topics, shouldn’t I seek out arguments? Shouldn’t I run towards the conflict, rather than away from it? If someone I know posts an opinion I think is stupid on Facebook, shouldn’t I attack that opinion to test both the strength of my argument as well as my opponent’s argument?

I still maintain the arrogant attitude that I’m right, and even the desire to “win”, but in order for me to win, I need to have more information and a more logically and morally consistent way of processing and understanding that information. If I argue with someone, they may point out a weakness in my argument. They may even skillfully challenge the basic assumptions I rely on to make my argument. In that case, they have given me a chance to learn more. I will either research and find some information that helps me defend my position better, or I may find even more information that challenges my position. I may learn that I was wrong. In that case, I have to either adapt my current position to fit the facts, or I may even need to reevaluate my worldview entirely.

When it comes to direct confrontations with people, I still avoid arguing with strangers most of the time. I feel that time spent arguing needs to be spent with people I can trust will actually pose a significant challenge to my position. If I argue about politics, I don’t want to fight intellectual lightweights. I make sophisticated arguments that can’t be easily challenged by an average individual. If I am going to spend time testing and hopefully strengthening the defenses of my opinion, I need strong opponents that can put up a real fight. As John Stuart Mill said, you can only learn the truth and answer difficult questions if you have been met with an argument in it’s most persuasive and powerful form. Thus, I try to seek the most persuasive or powerful holders of an opinion.

Of course, through arguing, I want to convince others that they are wrong and that they need to change their opinions. The primal urge to conquer has never really left me. But, the average person won’t admit they are wrong. Most people aren’t very smart, and smart people that are smart tend to be smart because they are able to accept when they are wrong. My dad doesn’t often openly admit he is wrong, but his opinions definitely have changed over time. So, if I argue with someone directly, not only do I hope to learn from them, but I also hope to change their minds. I only argue with people when I feel like either of those two outcomes are possible.

However, if I have an indirect argument, i.e. I write a blog that is critical of what someone said on Youtube or on TV, etc., then I argue mostly for my own learning and for the sake of the people that I expect may read what I write. It’s unlikely that my blog will convince Peggy McIntosh that her views on white privilege are wrong, but I may help other people learn more and form a more educated opinion on the subject. If I can do that, then I’ve won.

So, I’ve decided to stop running away from conflict. Instead, I will seek conflict. I will seek the places that are the most intellectually dangerous to me. Through conflict, through arguments, I hope to learn and grow as a person. I plan to win those arguments.

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