
コンタクトレンズを使ってみたけど、諦めた・I tried using contact lenses, but I gave up.

2週間前、眼科に行って目の検査を受けた。左の眼はもっと良くなりましたって言われたら驚いた。(0_0) そんなことあるのか?うそだろう?前の検査は駄目だったんだろう?





Two weeks ago, I went to the optometrist and had my eyes examined. I was surprised to hear that my left eye actually got better! Can that actually even happen? I bet my last exam was no good.

Anyway, after my exam, I tried using contacts for the first time. It was hard at first, but after two or three days, I was able to put them in easily.

However, when I went on the net to buy some, I found out I wouldn't be using them. You know why? Because I'd have to pay $50 every six weeks for them! What the! I can buy a pair of glasses for less than $50 that will last me forever!

My glasses are my true for anyway, so I guess it wasn't meant to be.

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