
英語を教える仕事に就いた・I Got a Job Teaching English

前の日記に夏の授業をとるといったけど、結局学資援助をもらえなかったので、その授業を取れないことになってしまった。最初にがっかりしたけど、少し調べてみて、その授業を取ることが必要ないと分かった。なぜなら、残っている単位は13つではなくて、3つだけなのだ 笑 前の計算は間違った。






In my last entry I said that I was going to take a class in the summer, but in the end I wasn't able to get the financial aid I needed, so I ended up not being able to take the class. At first I was a little disappointed, but after doing a little investigating, I found that I didn't need to take the class. I thought that I needed to earn 13 more credits, but actually I only need 3! My calculation before was wrong (-_-)

However, I made another incorrect calculation. That calculation was a more important one involving money for going to Japan. That's why on top of looking for a job, I've also been thinking about getting a loan from the bank.

On the day I realized my mistake, a miracle happened. The uncle of the Japanese student my family is hosting came to our house to pick up his nephew. After he was informed of my situation, he told me about an opportunity to teach English, and then later that day, he was able to get me the job. His son had had that job before, so he told a business contact of his that I'd like the job.

I finally got a good job! The amount of money I'm going to make isn't going to be enough for staying in Japan. I was to avoid getting any loans, so I need to get another job, but I'm really grateful for my business contacts! Hosting students is the best. Becoming a host family really changed our lives.

I'm really excited to find out what happens next!

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