



日本の少子高齢化について書いてあるNYTの記事(タイトルは「Without Babies, Can Japan Survive?」)の答えで「なぜ人口減少が心配されていることが分からない・・・今の127億人の日本より、50億、60億人の日本は心配することではないだろう。実はスペースと自然資源は2倍になる。ただ1つの問題は今の状況から移行することだ・・・」と書かれた。

その意見に反対して、日本の人口減少が大変だと思う人もいるけど。朝日新聞の英語版で、津上俊哉という著者は「Japan needs to open its door to foreigners to revitalize its future」というタイトルの記事を書いた。内容の中に、「今、日本は他国より、先に人口減少と少子高齢化の問題に直面しています。この問題は前に思ったより、日本の社会と経済に悪影響を与えていることは1日ずつ明らかになっています」と書いた。


津上さんはいろいろなことを言うけど、結局、なぜ人口減少が悪いということを説明しない。どんなふうに人口減少が社会的と経済的な悪影響を与えて、どのように移民は日本を助けることを説明しない。なんか浅い記事だったと思う。英語でもそんな無意味の記事を書かれる(今、「くだらない記事」と書きたかったけど、あわないなと思ったけど、本当に合わないかな?アニメでよく使われているけど、それはアニメの用語かもしれない ^_^;)。






でも、その話題は深すぎるけど、僕の意見を言わずにこの記事を終わる。もっと書けるけど、書かないほうがいいかも 笑 この日記はすでに長過ぎなってしまったから。



Last week, on a website called Reddit, I heard of an article about Japan's declining population. The issues of population decline and an aging population aren't new, but the article does report some new information from Japan's Ministry of Health. In the Ministry's report, they state that Japan's population declined by a record 212,000 people in 2012.

In the Reddit thread, people were throwing around a lot of different opinions. One person named Smushsmush said, "I see how this is a problem when you think of the economy, but isn't a lower population something we will have to strive for sooner or later?" Another person, mynameishere, replied, "Yes, the only people making a big deal out of this are people who want the same mass immigration in Japan that the whole Western world is suffering from. The population of Japan is far too big and the best thing for them is a gradual, managed decline."

In a response to an article in the NYT, one person wrote, "I have never been able to understand the depth of concern about declining population...There would be nothing horrible about a Japan of 50 or 60 million people instead of the 127 million now there. In fact, there would be twice as much space and twice as many resources for each. The issue is how to manage the transition...."

There are, however, those that disagree. Toshiya Tsugami wrote in an English Asahishimbun article that, "Currently, Japan is facing the problems of low birthrates and an aging population, ahead of other nations. It is becoming clearer by the day that this problem is going to have far more serious corrosive effects on Japan’s economy and society than previously expected."

He doesn't, however, explain exactly how those are societal and economic issues. Worse, he doesn't explain how increased immigration would solve those issues. It's a fairly insignificant fluff piece. I am curious why I wasn't able to find a Japanese language version of the article in Asahishimbun's Japanese website. I also isn't on Tsugami's blog. Perhaps it's specifically targeting a foreign audience?

Anyway, I can partially understand why a decreasing, aging population could be a problem. Young Japanese are shouldering the burden of the older generation. Their parents and grandparents passed laws and created ideal social welfare and lifetime employment systems, and now their children and grandchildren are feeling the side-effects to those systems.

However, would increasing immigration really fix the problem? The real question is, how could it POSSIBLY have ANY chance of fixing it? The problem Japan is facing isn't a lack of people, it's a lack of jobs! If you introduce more people, you only make the problem worse. The problem is economic, no demographic. Tsugami clearly wants to take advantage of cheap labor, but that is impossible. The reason Japan has a declining population is precisely because young people don't have the money to support more than two children!

Population decline itself isn't the issue. The issue is why the population is decreasing. Why people aren't having babies is, itself, a difficult issue to address. Toshiya and Rintaro Ishihara, whom Toshiya quotes, believe that increasing immigration will work, but that solution doesn't address the root cause of the problem. It's best to think about "why" the issue is occurring and how to fix it, not how to address the symptoms of the illness.

By the way, the issue of immigration is a hot political topic in the US, too.

Going back to mynameishere's argument, when they state that "Japan has too many people", that is a value judgement. He probably thinks that the Earth has too many people. Whether that's true or not is another issue, but when compared to other nations, Japan actually doesn't rank badly. The population density in the Netherlands and Belgium is higher than Japan's. The UK's population density isn't as high as Japan's, but it's fairly close.

Anyway, I'll end this post without getting too deeply into that subject. There is more that I can write, but this entry is too long as it is.

What does everybody else think? I don't know much about Japanese politics, so admittedly, I probably haven't heard or understood Ishihara's or Toshiya's full argument.

4 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...


↑exactly! 全くそのとおりです。Micahさん、面白いところに気がつきましたね。人口の減少とGDPの割合はそれほど関係はありません。日本より人口が減少している国にドイツ、韓国があります。また、「日本に移民をいれよう」というお話、、欧米の国の方々には失礼かもしれませんが、移民を日本に入れたら、日本はぶっ壊れますよ。フランスやイギリスを見てください。移民政策は成功でしたか?ttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DA98iIw-s0E



私の好きな経済学者に「三橋 貴明 」さん という人がいます。

mijokijo さんのコメント...





新聞の情報をありがとうございます (^_^) いろいろな新聞を読んだほうがいいと思うので、おすすめを感謝しています。


mijokijo さんのコメント...


Unknown さんのコメント...

