
友達へ、EU離脱について・To my friend, regarding Brexit


























About three weeks ago, a friend of mine wrote about the Brexit referendum on his blog. With his post, he tried to explain the Leave and Remain positions using a conversational format (he pretended to have a conversation with a sister about it).

The entry bothered me enough that I decided I needed to write a reply.

My friend did a fairly good job of explaining the position of Leave, although in a simplified way. However, when explaining the issue of immigration and destruction of culture, he gives an opinion on the issue that I think is misinformed.

While explaining to his fictional sister about immigrants and the destruction of culture, his sister makes the following statement:
Sister: “But, the poor immigrants and refugees have nowhere else to go, they have to go to England. It’s mean to try to chase them out of England just because they’ll change England’s culture!”
Okay, it’s possible that a naive younger sister might make such a ridiculous statement. How does big brother respond?
Brother: “I think so, too. They’re like Harry from Harry Potter…”
He continues with the Harry Potter analogy for a while longer, but it’s not important. What’s important is that he agrees with the ridiculous statement his “sister” made. He goes on to say:
Brother: “Getting back to mixing cultures… Like, of course, culture is important. But, what’s really important is people, I think. The people living now.”

Sister: “Forget about culture. Why can’t we all just live together as one? Doesn’t anybody else want to do that?”

Brother: “You’re very sweet. You’re right, there are people like that. The people that want to live together with everybody, and the people that put culture first are basically competing with each other. That’s the Remain and Leave people.”
My friend softens his position a little by saying that maybe the people that say they love England are nice people, too. Later, he again repeats the Harry Potter comparison in his summary, but then again softens his position by quoting a well known anime/manga called Attack on Titan. Leaders in that series are regularly forced to make life or death decisions. When some followers begin to question the judgement of their leader when some of them die, another character says that there isn’t really any right or wrong decision in those situations. You can’t judge the leader in hindsight.

In the same way, my friend says that we can’t really judge the Leave politicians in hindsight. Something very bad may happen, but something very good may happen, too. This is a very typical Japanese response, and the repeated softening of his opinion is also very Japanese.

Now, let me do the American thing and tell my friend why he is wrong, wrong, wrong.

First, let’s go back to little ol’ sister. She says that the immigrants and refugees have nowhere to go, thus they need to go to England. That is absolutely wrong in multiple ways. Immigrants have to travel through other countries in order to get to England, and they could easily stay in any of those other countries if they wanted to. In fact, the immigrants choose to go to the rich countries with large welfare systems like England, Germany, and France. Nobody wants to stay in Greece, Poland, or Macedonia. They won’t get money, housing, or medical care for free in those countries.

And, as the sister in the story pointed out, the money for welfare comes from the taxes the citizens pay. Everybody knows that. The immigrants know that they are taking money out of a system that they haven’t paid into. Although I am not angry at people that take the money, since the government created those welfare programs in the first place, I also feel they bare some moral responsibility for taking money from other people who don’t choose to give it to them.

Second, not all of the immigrants are Syrians fleeing chaos and war. In fact, most of the immigrants aren’t Syrian. They are economic migrants. They are moving from a poor country to a rich country with the sole purpose of increasing their standard of living. Again, I don’t begrudge their desire to want a better life for themselves, but I cannot stress enough that saying that the immigrants have “nowhere else to go” is completely wrong. They are nothing like Harry Potter.

Now let’s talk about culture. Sister and brother agree that chasing people out of England to prevent England’s culture from changing would be wrong. There are a couple of problems with wanting to “live as one” with other people and forgetting about culture. First, cultures aren’t all compatible with each other. For decades, we have been told that “diversity” has so many benefits, and that’s why we need to accept more and more immigrants no matter what. That simply isn’t true. Studies have shown that too much diversity creates subcultures and breeds suspicion among diverse groups. Overly diverse groups are dysfunctional groups.

We see in the US that groups of people from China, Mexico, or other countries come to the US, but then they don’t assimilate into American culture. They stay in their own subculture groups in places like “Chinatown” or “Little Mexico”. In some states in the US, the government and businesses need to have employees that can speak Spanish because there are so many native Spanish speakers who can’t speak English. Native English speakers sometimes become resentful of the fact that Spanish is so common and necessary in the places they live. They think, “This is America, you should speak English!” That is not at all an irrational or unreasonable point of view. It’s precisely because I agree with that idea that I worked hard, and continue to work hard, at learning Japanese. This is Japan. I need to speak Japanese!

The other problem with the “can’t we just live together?” idea is the sad reality that not all cultures are equally desirable. Some cultures are inferior to other cultures. There are some Americans that declare that they will move to Canada if Trump becomes president (there were people that said the same thing when George Bush was running for president back in 2000). In response, other people ask, “Why do you always say that you will move to Canada? Why don’t you want to move to Mexico?” The answer, of course, is that nobody wants to move to Mexico because not even Mexicans want to live there!

That is an important point that I’d like to emphasize. Mexicans leave Mexico because their country sucks. They move to the US because it is awesome. Why are those two countries so different? Because of culture!

What happens when a lot of people from Mexico come to the US? They bring the same culture that created the bad conditions in Mexico!

Imagine that all the poor North Koreans escaped North Korea and sought asylum in Japan. Let’s say that they all moved to Kobe because they really liked Kansai culture. How long would Kobe continue to have Kansai culture before it was replaced by North Korean culture? Do you really want North Korean values, even from very nice people, spread throughout Japan? Even if the people are nice, their culture is decidedly not nice.

The majority of the immigrants to England and the rest of Europe are Muslims. As the number of Muslim immigrants increases, European nations stop being European and become Muslim-majority country. If they immigrated in small numbers and were given time to assimilate into Europe, perhaps it wouldn’t be a problem. But allowing millions of Muslim immigrants to flow into Europe in a short amount of time will create Muslim “ghettos”. Even now, there are so-called “no-go zones” where even police don’t go in Europe. I’m not talking hypotheticals here, I’m talking about what is happening right now.

Why don’t Muslims want to live in Muslim countries? Perhaps something to do with oppressive cultures that have created unpleasant living conditions?

Would Little Sister or Big Brother like to live in any Muslim-majority country? Would you even want to visit one?

Western culture is simply far, far superior to any of the cultures of Muslim-majority countries. People who voted in favor of the Brexit understand that. They want to protect the culture they grew up in because they understand that there are many problems with Muslim values and beliefs. Their desire to protect themselves and put their culture first is their only rational course of action. It has nothing to do with being nice or mean. That’s a childish way of looking at the problem.

One last thing. The Attack on Titan reference that my friend used—the one about leaders making life and death decisions that can’t be judged in hindsight—is a typical Japanese way of staying in a gray area to avoid the appearance of taking a firm stand on an issue. Although he twice mentions his opposition to Brexit, at the end of his blog entry, he tries to say, “Well, we’ll see what happens. We can’t really judge the decisions leaders make in hindsight. Maybe things will go badly, maybe things will go well, we don’t know.” In other words, although he clearly judges the Leave people as “mean”, self-serving people, he wants to appear to stay neutral in the end.

To me, such attempts to appear neutral are insincere. It’s better to take a stand and defend it. The truth is that you’ve entered a debate. Not taking a firm stand in the debate makes you appear to be unprincipled and capable of making inappropriate compromises on key issues. It makes you appear to not be a strong defender of any one position, and therefore a weak ally to the rest of those that take a firm stand. It’s okay to acknowledge the arguments made by both sides, and then to say that you don’t know what is right or wrong. But if you clearly appear to take one side, and then say, “Well, who can judge what’s right or wrong?”, you will be instantly disregarded by your allies and ignored by your opponents. You can’t be friends with everybody, and if you try, you’ll find that nobody wants to be your friend.

Also, the comparison is wrong. Emergency, in-the-moment decisions made by leaders and decisions made by democratic vote after long periods of debate aren’t even remotely similar. While you can’t necessarily judge the former leader for his bad decision because there may not be any “correct” decision in that situation (i.e. the results may not have improved if a different decision was made) and because he didn’t have enough time to consider the consequences of all the possible decisions, it is necessary that citizens in a democratic society judge the decisions of their leaders as right or wrong. Taking a neutral, nonjudgmental position simply allows bad or corrupt leaders to maintain power. Its a paralyzing way of thinking. The fact that the comparison is so inappropriate contributes to making you appear insincere.

In conclusion, culture is important and Harry Potter and Attack on Titan have nothing to do with Brexit.

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