
金曜日の実験はうまくいった ・ Friday's experiment went well


とにかく、実験、つまり会話は開始した後、安心して、いい会話ができた。時間のたつが早くて、一瞬のように授業が終わった。その後、友達と感想を交換した。彼は驚いたと言った。一方、Lang-8で英語を勉強する主婦が多くて、僕たちの授業のメンバーは話したがるみたいだったので、僕は驚かなかった。主婦の話す能力を舐めないほうがいいと思う。 笑 (書いた時に、その言葉を女性差別にするつもりはなかったけど、再読したら、そう聞こえるな…笑 まあいいか、そのままにする。) 友達は中学生に英語を教えることに慣れているので、主婦であるメンバーを中学生のように扱っていたけど、主婦と中学生は全然違う。




On Friday, I conducted a “real conversation” experiment in my English class along with my friend. Before beginning, my friend said something to me. He said, “Let's try this dangerous experiment.” He thought that letting people speak freely was dangerous, but I was completely relaxed. Well, actually, there were two new people there that day, so I was a little nervous about how they'd do.

In any case, after we began the experiment, or in other words, after we started talking, I relaxed and had a good conversation. Time went by quickly, and in a flash the class was over. Afterward, my friend and I talked about how the class went. He told me that he was surprised. I, on the other hand, knew that many housewives study English on Lang-8, and it seemed to me that many of the ladies wanted to talk, so I wasn't surprised. I don't think you should underestimate the ability of housewives to talk. Lol (When I wrote that, I didn't mean to sound sexist, but it does sound that way after reading it again. Whatever, I'm leaving it that way.) My friend is used to teaching English to middle school students, so he was treating members of the group, all of whom are housewives, like middle school students, but housewives and middle school students are completely different from each other.

From now on, we decided to make the class conversation-centered. In the future, we'll try encourage more complex conversations, but for now, we'll just start with small talk and work our way from there.

One of the ladies said that she would like to try singing songs as warm up before beginning, but I wonder if others want to sing, too? I think it's kind of childish, but since housewives and dudes like me think differently, I don't know.

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