
絵の内容を説明することは難しい・It's difficult describing things in pictures

中国人の学生に英語を教えている。彼の英語の単語は僕の日本語の単語よりいいかもしれないけど、彼の会話とコミュニーケーション能力はまだまだ足りない。彼はまだ高校生だし、僕と会話をする気が無さそうなので、どうやってコミュニーケーション能力を高めるのはちょっと困っている。でも、友達はいいお勧めをしてくれた。写真を見て、内容を説明する練習してみたらどうだって。やってみて、本当にいい練習だった。僕は英語の授業でボランティアをした時、初級の学生は先生にそういう練習をさせられたことを思い出すから、なぜもっと早く思わなかったか分からない 笑 いい友だちがいてよかったね!


これから、僕は学生を話させるように絵の内容を説明する練習をさせ続ける。彼に役立つと思う。僕も友達とちょっと練習してみようと思う (^_^)


I'm teaching English to a Chinese student. His vocabulary might be even better than mine, but his ability to communicate is rather limited. Since he's still a high school student and doesn't seem to feel like having a conversation with me, I've been a bit worried about how to increase his communication abilities. But, a friend of mine made a good suggestion. She said that I should try having him look at a picture a describe its contents. I tried it and it turned out to be good practice. When I volunteered in an English class, I remember that the teacher made her students practice like that, so I don't know why I didn't think of it earlier! I'm glad I have such a good friend!

I talked with her and showed her the same picture that I showed to the student, then I had her try describing it in English. She was quite adept and got an A from me, but when I described it in Japanese, I only got a B- (;_;`) My friend is one heck of a strict teacher.

From now on, I'll continue to make my student describe pictures in order to make him talk more. I think it will be useful for him. I think I'll try it out with my friend, too.

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